Colonial Village Condominiums

An urban oasis

We are the condominiums of historic Colonial Village in Arlington, Virginia. Situated on more than 50 rolling acres, our colonial revival-style red brick buildings are linked by a series of picturesque courtyards and gardens. 

January 14, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 6:58 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Michael McGregor, vice president; Kevin Haley, Treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Cheryl Concelman, member at large, answered present. Unit owners Donna Lee and Andrew Woods; association manager David McPherson; and maintenance engineer Stan Kiman were also present at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 19 November 2007 Board meeting be approved without change. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously with Mr. Haley abstaining because he was not present at that meeting. Mr. Gerrity asked members of the Board if they had corrections for the second draft of the minutes for CVIII’s 2007 annual meeting. No one did.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: Ms. Lee told the Board that several firms continued to leave promotional flyers on residents’ front doors, and the presence of these flyers advertised the absence of residents to potential burglars. She gave Mr. McPherson flyers from two firms she described as serial offenders. Mr. McPherson said that he had already informed both firms of CVIII’s posted prohibition of solicitation and would do so again using stronger language and a promise to employ CVIII’s law firm to ensure compliance. Ms. Lee asked if special containers could be placed in CVIII’s trash rooms to facilitate the safe disposal of compact fluorescent light bulbs. The Board asked Mr. Kiman to see if there was a way to do this and report back to the Board. Mr. Haley pointed out to Ms. Lee that these bulbs could be dropped off Arlington County Fire Houses including the one located in the 1600 block of Wilson Blvd. Mr. McPherson said that he would ask Arlington County’s Department of Environmental Services what were the county’s regulations and recommendations for the disposal of these bulbs.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board and Mr. McPherson reviewed correspondence from Michael Wilner, the owner of unit #161 at 1817 Queens Ln., informing the Board that he wanted to renovate his kitchen and asking the Board’s approval of this project. After discussion, the Board and Mr. McPherson agreed that Mr. Wilner needed to provide a detailed set of plans for these renovations before the Board could approve them.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

December Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the December income and expense statements, Mr. McPherson said CVIII had a year-to-date operating deficit of $321.40 as of the end of December 2007. Details of the December financial report are available for unit owner review at the CVIII management office. 


Mr. Kiman said there had been no unusual maintenance problems during the past month.

Pending Business:

Replacement Roofs: The Board asked Mr. McPherson for an update on the status of replacement roofs for 1813 and 1821 N. Rhodes St. and 1728 Queens Ln. Mr. McPherson said that Pioneer Roofing had completed all work associated with replacing these roofs to his satisfaction, and he had authorized the final payment to Pioneer for this project. The Board told Mr. McPherson that it wanted to hire an engineering firm that specialized in the maintenance and replacement of roofs similar to those on CVIII’s buildings. Mr. McPherson agreed to provide the Board with proposals from several firms to serve as a consulting engineer and advise the Board on the maintenance and replacement of CVIII’s roofs.

Masonry Renovations: Mr. McPherson told the Board that the Culbertson Company of Virginia had completed masonry renovations at Building Four specified in its contract with CVIII. The Board reminded Mr. McPherson that CVIII needed to hire an engineering firm to advise it on how to proceed with renovations of CVIII’s brickwork. The Board told Mr. McPherson that this firm must be able to prepare specifications for such renovations and serve as project manager for these renovations. Mr. McPherson agreed to obtain proposals from several firms to serve as a consulting engineer for this project for the Board’s review at its February meeting.

Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: Mr. Nicoll told the Board that he and Mr. McPherson had signed the letter to CVIII unit owners explaining Verizon’s fiber optic system and what services would be available through it and how Verizon wanted to install connections to this system in their units. Mr. Nicoll reminded the Board that this letter emphasized that each unit owner had to make the decision to allow Verizon to install a fiber optic connection in their unit. A post card addressed to CVIII’s management office was included in the letter so that unit owners could notify Verizon that they wanted a fiber optic connection installed in their unit. Mr. McPherson told the Board that this letter would be delivered by hand to resident owners and mailed to nonresident owners by the end of the week. After discussion, the Board reaffirmed its earlier decision that the installation of fiber optic connections in units was a matter to be worked out by interested unit owners and Verizon and the Board’s role was to facilitate communications between the various parties.

Rhodes Street Parking Restrictions:

Mr. Gerrity informed the Board that a petition asking Arlington County to expand current restrictions on parking in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes Street would be posted in early February on the hallway bulletin Boards of the five CVIII buildings located in that block. The petition, which only residents of those five buildings are eligible to sign, asks Arlington County to expand current restrictions so that only vehicles with Zone 4 stickers and Zone 4 visitor passes can park in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes Street between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and midnight, seven days a week. Arlington County approved expanded nighttime restrictions in 2006 and 2007 for the 1700 and 1900 blocks of N. Rhodes St., and hopefully this would result in enough cars without Zone 4 stickers parking in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes to meet Arlington County’s threshold for tighter restrictions. In discussion, the Board agreed that making full use of Arlington County’s Residential Permit Parking Program was the least expensive way of finding more parking spaces for residents of CVIII.

2007 Landscaping Review:

The landscaping committee presented the Board with a list of proposals for renovations and improvements projects in 2008. This list included: replacing the White Pine trees on the south side of the parking lot with hollies; replacing arborvitae that screened windows with Manhattan Euonymus; shrubbery enhancements for Building Two and Four; and lawn renovations. Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board approve a proposal from McFall and Berry for $1050 to replace a red maple located in front of 1733 Queens Ln. with a Sugar Maple. The red maple would be transplanted to the Rhodes St. lawn. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

New Business:

Meter Cabinets: Mr. Haley reminded the Board that residents had expressed concerns to him about rusting causing the deterioration of the metal cabinets that housed electric meters and master circuit breakers. Mr. McPherson told the Board that an engineer and master electrician had recently surveyed this type of cabinet in CVII and made recommendations for replacement and repairs based on that survey. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to obtain a proposal from this engineer for a similar survey of CVIII’s meter cabinets.

Smoke Detectors: Mr. McPherson and the Board reviewed the Arlington County Fire Prevention Code’s requirement that all residences have a working smoke detector. Mr. McPherson told the Board that the Arlington County Fire Department had announced that it would start making sure that all residences in the county comply with this requirement in 2008. Mr. McPherson told the Board that CVIII unit owners who lease their units were required by the Fire Prevention Code to provide their tenants with a working smoke detector. Mr. McPherson said the Fire Prevention Code made tenants responsible for the maintenance and operation of the smoke detector in their units and it required that their landlords inform them of their responsibility to do so in writing. Mr. McPherson told the Board that CVIII’s common areas were in compliance with Fire Prevention Code and fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems were inspected on regular bases.

Allocation of Contributions to Reserve Accounts:

The Board and Mr. McPherson reviewed the allocation of contributions to individual reserve accounts in CVIII’s 2008 budget and decided that sufficient balances had been accumulated to maintain and replace CVIII’s fences (account #80260) and sidewalks (account #80940). The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to transfer contributions in CVIII’s 2008 budget totaling $30,306 from these two accounts to account #80870 – “Roofs”.

Parking Lot: The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to obtain proposals to seal cracks with hot tar and then apply a coat of sealant on the entire asphalt surface of CVIII’s parking lot.

Towing Service: Members of the Board told Mr. McPherson that CVIII’s towing service, Advanced Towing, no longer seemed to be patrolling CVIII’s parking lot on a regular basis for vehicles parked there in violation of CVIII’s regulations. Mr. McPherson said that he would inform Advanced Towing that CVIII was dissatisfied with its performance and the Board would look for a new firm if it did not see an immediate improvement.

Executive Session: The Board did not have an executive session at this meeting.

February 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The next Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 19 February 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Nicoll moved that this meeting be adjourned. Mr. McGregor seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:59 P.M.

February 19, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


 Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 6:58 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Michael McGregor, vice president; Kevin Haley, Treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Cheryl Concelman, member at large, answered present. Association manager David McPherson and maintenance engineer Stan Kiman were also present at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 14 January 2008 Board meeting be approved without change. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: No one was present to speak.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board and Mr. McPherson reviewed correspondence and other material related to a resident’s application to Arlington County for permits for work to renovate her kitchen. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he had approved this project because he was satisfied that it would conform to the Arlington County Building Code.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

January Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the January income and expense statements, Mr. McPherson said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $11,121.44 as of the end of January 2008. Details of the January financial report are available for unit owner review at the CVIII management office.


Mr. Kiman said there had been no unusual maintenance problems during the past month.

Pending Business:

Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: The Board asked Mr. McPherson for an update on the installation of fiber-optic cable and related equipment in CVIII. Sign Ups: Mr. McPherson told the Board that the owners of eighty-four units in CVIII had given Verizon permission to wire their units. He said no owner had notified him that they did not want their unit wired. Mr. McPherson told the Board that, based on unit owners’ responses to date, he expected 80% or better of CVIII unit owners would eventually allow Verizon to wire their units. After discussion, the Board agreed that a second letter should be sent to unit owners who had not yet agreed to allow Verizon to wire their units. This letter would point out that fiber-optic access to Verizon’s FiOS package of broadband services would increase the market value of a unit. This letter would also point out that it would be a more complicated and time-consuming process to install such a fiber-optic connection at some future date. Installation: Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon had discovered that the locations of closets and interior walls were not the same in otherwise identical first and second floor units while wiring in the Colonial Village Commons. This lack of symmetry made it necessary for Verizon to install fiber-optic cable and conduit on the ceilings and walls of hallways and rooms. Mr. Kiman said that this would only be a problem in CVIII if Verizon tried to use living room closets to wire units in CVIII buildings containing four two-bedroom units. Scheduling: Mr. Nicoll said that only about twenty percent of CVIII’s residents would be at home during the workweek to give Verizon access to their units. He suggested that Verizon schedule installation on Saturdays. Mr. McPherson said that he would ask Verizon to include Saturdays in its installation crews’ schedules. Final Design Checklist: Mr. McPherson asked the Board to authorize Mr. Nicoll to sign the “Verizon Final Design Checklist” for the installation fiber-optic cable and related equipment in common areas of CVIII. Members of the Board said that they had not seen this checklist. After discussion, Mr. McGregor moved that the Board authorize Mr. Nicoll to sign this checklist subject to the review and approval of Board members. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Masonry Renovations: Mr. McPherson and the Board reviewed material provided by four engineering firms that described their experience in managing masonry renovations similar to the project CVIII had begun in 2007. These firms were: Engineering and Technical Consultants (ETC); Facility Engineering Associates (FEA); Tadger-Cohen-Edelson Associates, Inc.; and Thomas Downey, Ltd. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to obtain proposals from ETC and Thomas Downey that specified what they would charge to survey CVIII’s masonry for damage and then prioritize whatever repairs they found necessary. The Board told Mr. McPherson that it wanted prices for a completed survey, not a list of hourly rates for various services. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to ask these two firms for estimates of their total fees to serve as project manager for tuck pointing on a scale similar to what the Culbertson Company completed at Building Four in 2007. The Board suggested and Mr. McPherson agreed to give these two firms copies of CVIII’s contract with Culbertson for tuck pointing Building Four’s masonry in 2007 to help them prepare their proposals.

Meter-Stack Cabinets: Mr. McPherson and the Board reviewed a proposal from CFR Engineering Consultants to have an engineer and a master electrician survey the condition of metal cabinets that house meter-stacks at twelve locations in CVIII and prepare a memorandum to the Board with recommendations for the maintenance and replacement of these cabinets. CFR quoted a price of $6,000 for this survey and the memorandum based on it. After discussion, the Board decided to have two cabinets at both Buildings One and Two and four at both Buildings Three and Four included in this survey. Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board approve CFR’s proposal. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Towing Service: Members of the Board expressed concerns that Advanced Towing still was not patrolling CVIII’s parking lot on a regular basis for vehicles parked in violation of CVIII’s rules and regulations. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he had recently spoken to the owner of Advanced Towing and received assurances that his drivers would do a better job removing violators from CVIII’s parking lot.

Zone 4 Residential Permit Parking: Mr. Gerrity informed the Board that seventy percent of CVIII residents living in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. had signed a petition asking Arlington County to expand Zone Four parking restrictions in this block to 8:00 A.M. through midnight, seven days a week. Mr. Haley agreed to submit this petition to Arlington County.

2008 Landscaping Projects: After discussion, the Board authorized the landscaping committee to price out the list of proposals for renovations and improvements projects it had discussed with the Board at its January meeting. After further discussion, the Board decided to replace the White Pine trees on the south side of the parking lot with holly trees in the spring rather than later in the year.

New Business:

Insurance: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that he had received an unsolicited bid that was significantly lower than the $27,056 annual premium State Farm was currently charging CVIII for its master insurance policy. Mr. McPherson told the Board that CVIII’s policy with Star farm expired in early May, and he asked for authorization to seek bids from additional firms. The Board asked Mr. McPherson to keep in mind when soliciting bids that CVIII had purchased insurance from State Farm for many years and a lot of CVIII residents had purchased their HO-6 policies from State Farm so they would have “seamless” coverage in case of a loss, and a new firm charging a lower price for CVIII’s master policy could well result in less coverage for all concerned parties.

Spring Cleaning:

The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to have Clean Machine Carpet Cleaning clean common hallway carpeting during the month of April. The Board asked Mr. McPherson for a recommendation for the best time to clean windows given that masonry renovations would continue during this summer.

Executive Session:

Mr. Gerrity moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Mr. McPherson convene in executive session for the purpose of discussing delinquent assessments and a referral to Arlington County Social Services. Mr. Nicoll seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:08 P.M.

March 2008 Board of Directors Meeting:

The next Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 18 March 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.


Mr. Nicoll moved that this meeting be adjourned. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:20 P.M.

March 18, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


 Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 6:58 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Michael McGregor, vice president; Kevin Haley, Treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Cheryl Concelman, member at large, answered present. Unit owners Elizabeth Callender and June O’Connell and association manager David McPherson were also present at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 14 February 2008 Board meeting be approved with one change. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: Ms. O’Connell advised the Board that the Arlington County Board had asked the Arlington County Planning Commission to develop a written procedure for the review and approval of requests for changes in the county’s General Land Use Plan (GLUP) that would allow higher density for redevelopment. Ms. O’Connell advised the Board that one member of the Arlington County Board, Mary Hynes, had asked that this written procedure include measures that would ease the redevelopment approval process for owners of small commercial properties. Ms. O’Connell suggested that such “easing” might circumvent the Site Plan process. Ms. O’Connell reminded the Board that the Colonial Village Shopping Center, located just east of CVIII on Wilson Blvd. was a small commercial property. Ms. O’Connell recommended that the Board follow the development of this proposal and be wary of its application in CVIII’s neighborhood.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board and Mr. McPherson reviewed a request from a unit owner for partial relief from a move-in fee charged when one of his daughters moved into his unit. The Board agreed to grant this relief.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

February Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the February income and expense statements, Mr. McPherson said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $12,087 as of the end of February 2008. Details of the February financial report are available for unit owner review at the CVIII management office.


Mr. Kiman was unable to attend this meeting.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: Mr. McPherson told the Board that he had requested proposals from five engineering firms to survey masonry in CVI, CVII, and CVIII for damage and prioritize whatever repairs they found necessary in each community. These proposals would also specify their fees to serve as project manager for tuck pointing on a scale similar to what the Culbertson Company completed at Building Four in 2007. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he had requested proposals that included masonry repairs at CVI, CVII and CVIII in an effort to get lower bids from these firms. These firms were: Engineering and Technical Consultants (ETC); Facility Engineering Associates (FEA); Structural Repair Group, LLC; Tadger-Cohen-Edelson Associates, Inc.; and Thomas Downey, Ltd. The Board told Mr. McPherson that it appreciated his efforts to get CVIII the lowest bid possible, but it wanted to vote on a contract with an engineering firm at its April meeting to keep masonry renovations on schedule. The Board told Mr. McPherson that if CVI and CVII were not prepared to vote on such a contract in April, then CVIII had to move ahead without them because the Board still had review and approve a contract with Culbertson for tuck-pointing in 2008. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he would have proposals from these firms for the Board’s consideration at its April meeting. Mr. McPherson advised the Board that project management fees would be higher than those charged for work done on Building Four in 2007 because the Board wanted closer supervision of future renovations.

Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: The Board asked Mr. McPherson for an update on Verizon’s installation of fiber-optic cable and related equipment in CVIII. Sign Ups: Mr. McPherson told the Board that the owners of one hundred units in CVIII had given Verizon permission to wire their units. He said only one CVIII unit owner had notified him that they did not want their unit wired. Installation: Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon had informed him that it would begin installation of fiber optic cable and related equipment in CVIII units on April 7th. Mr. McPherson agreed to send letters to unit owners informing them of this April 7th start date. Mr. McPherson said that he would use this letter to again inform owners who not yet agreed to allow Verizon to wire their units with fiber optic of the benefits of doing do at this time and the potential costs doing so at some future date. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon would use door hangers and notices posted on hallway bulletin Boards to notify unit owners forty-eight hours before its installation crews would be working in specific buildings. Mr. McPherson told the Board that unit owners would have to obtain additional information on installation in their units from Verizon.

Meter-Stack Cabinets: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that CFR Engineering Consultants had surveyed the condition of the metal cabinets that house meter-stacks at twelve locations in CVIII and submitted a memorandum with recommendations for the maintenance and replacement of these cabinets. CFR informed the Board that one cabinet had deteriorated significantly because of rusting and needed to be replaced. This cabinet housed four meters and was located on the east side of 1805 N. Rhodes St. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to obtain competitive bids to replace this cabinet. The Board and Mr. McPherson discussed how to allocate the cost of replacing this cabinet. Mr. McPherson said these cabinets were considered limited common elements in CVI, and the cost of replacing each cabinet was prorated among unit owners whose meters were housed in it. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to prepare a memorandum explaining the rationale for treating these cabinets as limited common elements and cost sharing of their maintenance and replacement.

Parking Lot: Towing Service: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that he was in regular contact with Advanced Towing about patrolling CVIII’s parking lot more frequently for vehicles parked in violation of CVIII’s rules and regulations. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Advanced Towing was willing to make its drivers’ logs available for inspection by CVIII. 2008-2009 Parking Stickers: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that he expected to have 2008-2009 permit stickers for CVIII’s parking lot on hand and to distribute applications for these permit stickers so that residents could begin picking them up at CVIII’s management office beginning April 1st. Parking Meter: The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to have Mr. Kiman straighten or replace the pole on which the parking meter was mounted.

Zone 4 Residential Permit Parking: Mr. Gerrity informed the Board that a petition asking Arlington County to expand Zone Four parking restrictions in this in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. to 8:00 A.M. through midnight, seven days a week had been submitted to Arlington County. He said Arlington County required field surveys verifying that twenty-five per cent of the cars parked in this block did not belong to Colonial Village residents before it would approve the changes requested in this petition.

Insurance: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that he had requested a loss history report for CVIII’s master insurance policy from State Farm. Mr. McPherson said that he would use this loss history to solicit bids from three insurance companies on CVIII’s master policy, which would expire in May 2008.

New Business:

Exterior Painting: Mr. Nicoll reminded Mr. McPherson that the Board had approved a contact with Renaissance Painting in 2006 to have CVIII’s shutters painted at a future date. Mr. Nicoll said that the current appearance of the shutters warranted painting them this spring. The other members of the Board agreed with Mr. Nicoll, and Mr. McPherson said he would have Renaissance get to work on them as soon as feasible.

Real Estate Development: Mr. Nicoll told the Board that he had been informed by Erika Byrd, a lawyer with Venable LLP, that the owners of the Weissberg property, which encompasses the Hollywood Video store and the office building at 1916 Wilson, planned to submit a site plan to Arlington County for the redevelopment of this site. Mr. Nicoll said that that Ms. Byrd, speaking for the owners and development team for this project, had offered to meet with Board members of the four Colonial Village owner associations to discuss their project prior to submitting their site plan to the county, and he had accepted this offer.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Mr. McPherson convene in executive session for the purpose of discussing delinquent assessments and a referral to Arlington County Social Services. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:56 P.M.

April 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The next Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 15 April 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Gerrity moved that this meeting be adjourned. Mr. Nicoll seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:15 P.M.

April 15, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 6:53 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Michael McGregor, vice president; Kevin Haley, Treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Cheryl Concelman, member at large, answered present. Unit owner Elizabeth Callender, maintenance engineer Stan Kiman, and association manager David McPherson were also present at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 14 March 2008 Board meeting be approved with one change. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: Ms. Callender told the Board that the kitchen staff of one or more the restaurants in the Colonial Village Shopping Center engaged in loud and boisterous activity in the parking lot behind the shopping center during late evening and early morning hours most nights of the week, and this made it difficult for her to get a decent night’s sleep. Ms. Callender asked if trees, which would act as a barrier and reduce this noise, could be planted along the wooden fence behind her building. The Board said that it would look into her request but it might be difficult to find trees that would act as an effective sound barrier and also fit in the narrow space between her building and the wooden privacy fence just east of it. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to contact the owner of the Colonial Village Shopping Center and the owner of the Guajillo Restaurant about stopping this noisy behavior.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board and Mr. McPherson reviewed email correspondence dealing with a unit owner’s efforts to get pest control service for his unit Mr. McPherson said that the unit owner mistakenly thought that the management office had a key to his unit when, in fact, it did not. Mr. McPherson said arrangements had been made to obtain a key so that the exterminator would have access to this unit, and this problem should be resolved shortly.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

March Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the March income and expense statements, Mr. McPherson said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $10,573 as of the end of March 2008. Details of the March financial report are available for unit owner review at the CVIII management office.


Mr. Kiman told the Board there had been no unusual maintenance issues during the past month.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: Mr. McPherson provided the Board with proposals from four engineering firms to survey masonry in CVIII for damage and prioritize whatever repairs they found necessary. These proposals included assistance in soliciting and evaluating proposals from contractors to do specified masonry repairs. Several of these proposals also specified fees to serve as project manager for tuck pointing on a scale similar to what the Culbertson Company completed at Building Four in 2007. These firms were: Engineering and Technical Consultants (ETC); Facility Engineering Associates (FEA); Structural Repair Group, LLC; and Thomas Downey, Ltd. Mr. McPherson told the Board that FEA and Thomas Downey had responded to his request for proposals that included masonry repairs at CVI, CVII and CVIII in an effort to get lower bids through economies of scale, but CVI and CVII were not prepared to vote on such a contract at this time. After review, the Board came to the conclusion that Thomas Downey appeared to have submitted the lowest bid, but it was not specific enough to be approved at this meeting. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to have Thomas Downey resubmit its proposal without reference to CVI and CVII and to include the cost of at least one inspection per week for the duration of CVIII’s contract for these repairs. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to provide it with copies of Downey’s resubmission via email as soon as he received it.

Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: The Board asked Mr. McPherson and Mr. Kiman for an update on Verizon’s installation of fiber-optic cable and related equipment in CVIII. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon had begun installation of fiber optic cable and related equipment in CVIII units during the week of April 7th. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon was posting door hangers and notices on hallway bulletin Boards notifying unit owners forty-eight hours and, again, twenty-four hours prior to when its installation crews would be working in specific buildings. Mr. Kiman told the Board that Verizon’s installation crews were not arriving at CVIII until well after 9:00 A.M. on most days and unit owners were not waiting for them when they were late. Mr. Kiman said that one day they did not show up at all, and this caused considerable inconvenience for several unit owners. Mr. Kiman said that Verizon’s installation crews were using power tools that were inadequate for the job and they were causing unexpected and unnecessary damage to units. Mr. Kiman told the Board that many unit owners expected Verizon’s installation procedure to take a half-hour or less. When informed that Verizon’s installation crews required access to their units from 9:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M., they were telling Mr. Kiman that they could not afford to take an entire day off from work and they were going to have to lock up their units and leave for work. The Board asked Mr. McPherson to inform Verizon that its procedure for installing fiber optic cable and related equipment in CVIII units was so inconvenient for unit owners that many were refusing to cooperate. The Board asked Mr. McPherson to inform Verizon that if it expected more access to units than it was currently getting, then it had to tell unit owners an installation crew would be working in their unit during either the morning or afternoon of a specific day and they had to complete the installation during that morning or afternoon. The Board also asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to urge Verizon to schedule installation on Saturdays when most CVIII unit owners were home.

Meter-Stack Cabinets: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that a metal cabinet located on the east side of 1805 N. Rhodes St., which housed the meter-stack for the four units at that address, had deteriorated significantly because of rusting and needed to be replaced. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to obtain competitive bids to replace this cabinet. The Board and Mr. McPherson discussed how to allocate the expenses related to replacing these cabinets and decided to charge them against CVIII’s reserve account for electrical equipment.

Parking Lot: Towing Service: The Board reminded Mr. McPherson that Advanced Towing had agreed to make its driver’ logs available for CVIII’s inspection, but, as of the date of this meeting, the Board had not seen these logs. Mr. McPherson said that he would contact Advanced Towing about these logs. Mr. McPherson told the Board that it was his clear impression that Advanced Towing was patrolling CVIII’s parking lot more frequently for vehicles parked in violation of CVIII’s rules and regulations.

Zone 4 Residential Permit Parking: Mr. Gerrity informed the Board that Arlington County staff was currently conducting field surveys to verify that twenty-five per cent of the cars parked in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. did not belong to Colonial Village residents. This twenty-five percent threshold had to be met before Arlington County approve CVIII’s petition asking for the expansion of Zone Four parking restrictions in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. to 8:00 A.M. through midnight, seven days a week.

Insurance: Mr. McPherson said that CVIII’s master insurance policy would expire in May 2008. Mr. McPherson said that he was going to solicit bids on this policy from three insurance companies as soon as he was able to obtain a loss history report for CVIII’s master insurance policy from its current carrier, State Farm. Mr. McPherson told the Board that CVIII could expect to save twenty-five percent by replacing State Farm with a new insurer based on his experience with the other three Colonial Village communities. After discussion, the Board told Mr. McPherson that making sure CVIII had adequate insurance was one of its most important responsibilities and there was not enough time to thoroughly review three new proposals to insure CVIII before its May meeting. Mr. Nicoll moved that CVIII extend its master insurance policy with State Farm for one year. Mr. McGregor seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously. The Board told Mr. McPherson that it would consider replacing State Farm in 2009 if he would have proposals from other insurers available for its review by no later than 1 March 2009.

Real Estate Development: Mr. Nicoll told the Board that representatives of CVII and CVIII’s Boards met with members of the development team of ZOM Mid-Atlantic to discuss the latter’s plans to redevelop the site currently occupied by Hollywood Video and the office building located at 1916 Wilson Blvd. Mr. Nicoll said that ZOM plans to build a five-story residential building containing 175 living units, half of which will be one-bedroom units and the balance divided between studios and two-bedroom units. Mr. Nicoll said that there will be 13,000 sf of retail space on the ground floor of this building, and it will contain approximately 215 parking spaces. The ZOM team said that their proposed building conformed with the guidelines for this site in the Rosslyn to Courthouse Urban Design Study. Members of CVII and CVIII’s Boards stated their concerns that ZOM’s proposed building did not contain adequate parking.

Exterior Painting: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that Renaissance Painting had completed painting CVIII’s shutters. Mr. Kiman told the Board that he replaced damaged and missing shutters and secured several that were loose on their fittings. Mr. Kiman said that paint was peeling on the siding of some gabled roofs and suggested to the Board that it consider exterior painting in 2009.

Carpet Cleaning: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that Clean Machine Carpeting Cleaning would complete cleaning common hallway carpeting by the end of the month.

New Business:

Requests for Water Shut-Offs: Mr. McGregor, a resident owner of a unit in Building Three, informed the Board that he had recently requested a water shut-off so that minor plumbing repairs could made in his unit and found out that it was the policy of CVIII’s property management office that non-emergency water shutoffs for residents of Building Three could only be scheduled during hours when the dentist office was closed. Mr. McGregor said this policy gave the dentist a veto over when the other forty-four owners of units in Building Three could schedule plumbing repairs in their units. Mr. McGregor said that this veto was a privilege for the dentist, one that no other CVIII unit owner enjoyed. Mr. McGregor said there was no mention of such a special privilege in CVIII’s Declaration, CVIII’s By-Laws, or CVIII’s Rules and Regulations. After discussion, Mr. McGregor asked and the Board agreed to tell CVIII’s property manager that the dentist did not have a veto over when other Building Three unit owners scheduled plumbing repairs. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to inform the dentist of its decision in writing.

Trespass by Non-Resident Dog Owners: Members of the Board reported receiving complaints from owners that residents of the 1800 Wilson Condominium were using CVIII’s Wilson Blvd. lawn as a place where their dogs could urinate and defecate. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to inform 1800 Wilson’s property manager and the Board of Directors of its owners association that CVIII’s Wilson Blvd. lawn was private property and CVIII considered the presence of dogs belonging to residents of 1800 Wilson on CVIII’s Wilson Blvd lawn or any other part of CVIII’s property trespass.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Mr. McPherson convene in executive session for the purpose of discussing delinquent assessments and a referral to Arlington County Social Services. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:06 P.M.

May 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The next Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 12 May 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Nicoll moved that this meeting be adjourned. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:26 P.M

May 12, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.


 Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 6:53 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Kevin Haley, Treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Cheryl Concelman, member at large, answered present. Maintenance engineer Stan Kiman, and association manager David McPherson were also present at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 15 April 2008 Board meeting be approved without change. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: No owners were present to speak.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board and Mr. McPherson reviewed email correspondence from Ms. Elizabeth Rawlins describing how her car was towed from the metered stall in CVIII’s parking lot right after she had put money in the meter. Ms. Rawlins asked to be reimbursed for a towing fee because the meter was not functioning properly. Mr. Kiman confirmed that the meter’s violation flag was not dropping completely when coins were inserted in it. After discussion, Mr. Nicoll moved that CVIII reimburse Ms. Rawlins for a $100 towing fee. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

April Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the April income and expense statements, Mr. McPherson said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $17,280 as of the end of April 2008. Details of the April financial report are available for unit owner review at the CVIII management office. The Board noted that interest rates on T-Bills had declined significantly in recent months and asked Mr. McPherson to have CMI reinvest in CDs when these U.S. Treasury securities matured. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to verify the status of $3,176 in deferred income from CVIII’s contract with HOFF for laundry machines. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to move a $6,000 charge for consultant’s fees from account #58320 (Electrical Maintenance) to account #30165 (Electrical Service Systems Reserves). The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to provide an explanation of a $186.07 reimbursement for landscaping expense.


Mr. Kiman told the Board there had been no unusual maintenance issues during the past month.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: Mr. McPherson and the Board reviewed a proposal from Thomas Downey, Ltd. to survey masonry in CVIII for damage and prioritize whatever repairs they found necessary. This proposal also specified Thomas Downey’s fees to serve as project manager for tuck pointing on a scale similar to what the Culbertson Company completed at Building Four in 2007. After discussion, the Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to have Thomas Downey resubmit page two of its proposal so that it clearly stipulated that CVIII would be charged $3,500 for this survey and a project manual for masonry repairs to be done in 2008. Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board approve Thomas Downey’s proposal as revised and authorize Mr. Nicoll to sign it upon receipt of these revisions in writing. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: The Board asked Mr. McPherson and Mr. Kiman for an update on Verizon’s installation of fiber-optic cable and related equipment in CVIII. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon had installed fiber optic cable and related equipment in 47% of CVIII units. Mr. Kiman told the Board that there continued to be a problem with owners who had signed up for installation and expected this work to be done in thirty minutes. They did not understand that Verizon’s installation crews required access to their units from 9:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. and when they found out, they were unable to take an entire day off from work on such short notice and left for work. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon was going to schedule installation a second time for those CVIII’s units it was unable to do the first time around. The Board again asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to urge Verizon to schedule installation on Saturdays when most CVIII unit owners were home.

Meter-Stack Cabinet: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that he was requesting proposals from Mona, Kolb and Contemporary Electrical Services to replace the metal cabinet that housed the meter stack serving units located in 1805 N. Rhodes St. Mr. McPherson said that he expected it would cost CVIII between $7,000 and $8,000 to replace this cabinet. Mr. McPherson said that Dominion Power would have to participate in replacing this cabinet, but he had been unable to get Dominion to commit to a specific date for this project.

Towing Service: Mr. McPherson told the Board that Advanced Towing was patrolling CVIII’s parking lot more frequently for vehicles parked in violation of CVIII’s rules and regulations. The Board again reminded Mr. McPherson that Advanced Towing had agreed to make its driver’ logs available for CVIII’s inspection, but as of this date the Board had not seen these logs. Mr. McPherson said that he would contact Advanced Towing about these logs.

Trespass by Non-Resident Dog Owners: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that he had met with the property manager for the condominium at 1800 Wilson and asked him to convey to the Board of Directors of its owners association and its residents that CVIII’s Wilson Blvd. lawn was private property and CVIII considered the presence of dogs belonging to residents of 1800 Wilson on CVIII’s Wilson Blvd. lawn or any other part of CVIII’s property trespass.

Zone 4 Residential Permit Parking: Mr. Gerrity informed the Board that Arlington County staff was currently reviewing information collected in field surveys made in May to find out if twenty-five per cent of the cars parked in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. belonged to individuals who did not live in Colonial Village. Mr. Gerrity reminded the Board that this twenty-five percent threshold had to be met before Arlington County would approve CVIII’s petition asking for the expansion of Zone Four parking restrictions in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. to 8:00 A.M. through midnight, seven days a week. Mr. Gerrity advised the Board that it might be several more months before Arlington County responded to CVIII’s petition.

New Business:

Parking Lot Meter: The Board asked and Mr. Kiman agreed to repair or replace the meter in CVIII’s parking lot as needed. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to confirm with Advanced Towing that its drivers were to provide a photograph showing that time had expired on the meter when they towed a car from the metered stall in CVIII’s parking lot. Mr. McPherson asked the Board for authorization to install a protective device that would prevent motor vehicles from driving into and bending the pole on which the meter was mounted. The Board told Mr. McPherson that Arlington County’s Historic Affairs and Landmark Review Board would have to approve the installation of this device.

Real Estate Development: Mr. Nicoll told the Board that members of CVII and CVIII’s Boards had met with representatives of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) to discuss NSTA’s plans to ask Arlington County for a one-year extension for its Site Plan for an addition to their existing building at 1840 Wilson. Mr. Nicoll said that NSTA also planned to ask Arlington County to approve a change in the design of the exterior of the Rhodes St. side of this addition. Mr. Nicoll said that there was no change in the number of parking spaces that would be available to residents of Permit Parking Zones 4 and 5 in NSTA’s garage when this addition was completed.

Roofs: Members of the Board noted and Mr. Kiman confirmed that Pioneer Roofing had installed a new scupper incorrectly when it replaced the roof at 1813 N. Rhodes St. Mr. McPherson said this might be the result of improper specs. The Board said that no reputable firm would install a scupper that would not work, and it asked Mr. McPherson to have Pioneer make the necessary repairs.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Mr. McPherson convene in executive session for the purpose of discussing delinquent assessments and a referral to Arlington County Social Services. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:05 P.M.

June 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The next Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 17 June 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Nicoll moved that this meeting be adjourned. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:15 P.M.

January 14, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


Call to Order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Kevin Haley, Treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Cheryl Concelman, member at large, answered present. Association manager David McPherson was also present at that time. A resident of 1737 Queens Ln. joined the meeting at 7:25 P.M.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Resignation of a Board Member: Michael McGregor resigned from CVIII’s Board of Directors effective the sale of his unit on 30 May 2008

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 12 May 2008 Board meeting be approved without change. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: A resident of a second floor unit at 1737 Queens Ln. told the Board that the owner of her unit wanted Verizon fiber optic cable installed in her unit, but the owner of the unit below hers would not allow Verizon to route this cable though her unit. She asked if the Board had any objections to this cable being routed through an adjacent second floor unit. The Board said it had no objections. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to encourage Verizon to use this alternative route to wire Ms. Foley’s unit. Mr. McPherson advised the Board that Verizon might charge a fee for “a la carte” installation. Power Outages: A resident of 1737 Queens Ln. told the Board that Buildings One and Two appeared to experience power outages during thunderstorms more frequently than the rest of CVIII. Members of the Board said that her observation seemed correct. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to ask Dominion Power how to determine if a pattern existed, and if it could be confirmed, what could be done to eliminate it.

Correspondence from Owners: None.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

May Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the May income and expense statements, Mr. McPherson said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $12,295 as of the end of May 2008. The Board authorized CMI to reinvest the proceeds of a Capital One CD that matured on June 13th in the highest yielding three-year CD available to CVIII. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to provide it with an explanation of a $1,134.38 payment to CMI listed under account #61000 — “Insurance”.


Mr. Kiman was unable to attend this meeting. The Board noted that a portion of the wooden privacy fence adjacent to the northeast corner 1817 Queens Ln. had been knocked down. The Board also noted that there were broken windows in the boiler room at 1729 Queens Ln. and the trash room in 1808 Queens Ln. Mr. McPherson said that he would ask Mr. Kiman to fix the fence and replace the windows. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to contact the owner of unit #192 at 1736 Queens Ln. about repairing a damaged muntin in a window on the east side of their unit. The Board noted the presence of signs in unit windows at 1735 and 1821 N. Rhodes St. Mr. McPherson said that he had personally removed the “For Sale” sign at 1735 N. Rhodes St. and he would check on the sign at 1821 N. Rhodes St.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: Mr. Nicoll informed the Board that he had signed a revised proposal from Thomas Downey, Ltd. to (1) survey masonry in CVIII for damage and prioritize repairs and (2) to serve as project manager for tuck pointing and other repairs. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he expected Thomas Downey to complete this survey within two weeks of this meeting and the Culbertson Company to submit a proposal by the Board’s July meeting for renovations to be done this summer. The Board and Mr. McPherson discussed making sure that Culbertson got the color of replacement mortar correct and that the mortar was struck with the right tool and recessed the appropriate depth from the brick face. The Board discussed holding a special meeting to review and vote on Culbertson’s proposal so that repairs could be completed in a timely fashion this summer.

Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: The Board asked Mr. McPherson for an update on Verizon’s installation of fiber-optic cable and related equipment in CVIII. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon had completed installation of cable and mounting Boards in 110 of CVIII’s units. Mr. McPherson told that the owners of 36 units had agreed to installation but, for a variety of reasons, they were unable to provide Verizon’s installation crews with access to their units. Mr. McPherson said that the owners of 26 units declined installation. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Verizon would soon begin installing underground conduit connecting CVIII’s buildings to equipment vaults at several locations. This conduit would be routed behind buildings except for 1727 and 1735 N. Rhodes St. Members of the Board expressed concerns that Verizon would not repair damage to CVIII’s lawns caused by the installation of this underground conduit. Mr. McPherson told the Board that the licensing agreement Verizon signed with CVIII required Verizon to repair any damage to CVIII’s common areas caused by its installation. Mr. McPherson said this meant that damaged lawn areas would be returned to their original, undisturbed condition.

Meter-Stack Cabinets: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that he had received two proposals to supply and install a replacement for the metal cabinet that houses the meter stack serving units located in 1805 N. Rhodes St.: Kolb, $5,480 ($3,410 for labor, $2,070 for parts) and Contemporary Electrical Services $7,300 ($3,600 for labor, $3,700 for parts). Mr. McPherson said that he had also requested a bid from Mona Electric for this project, but he had not received it as of the date of this meeting. Mr. McPherson told the Board that CVIII might be able to purchase the new cabinet from Dominion for less than either Kolb or Contemporary. After discussion, Mr. Nicoll moved that the Board accept (i) Kolb’s proposal for labor and (ii) Kolb’s proposal for parts if Mr. McPherson was unable to purchase this cabinet for less elsewhere. Mr. Haley seconded this motion. The motion passed with Ms. Concelman, Mr. Haley and Mr. Nicoll voting aye and Mr. Gerrity abstaining.

Zone 4 Residential Permit Parking:

Mr. Gerrity informed the Board that Arlington County staff was still reviewing information collected in field surveys made in May to find out if twenty-five per cent of the cars parked in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. belonged to individuals who did not live in Colonial Village. Mr. Gerrity reminded the Board that this twenty-five percent threshold had to be met before Arlington County would approve CVIII’s petition asking for the expansion of Zone Four parking restrictions in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. to 8:00 A.M. through midnight, seven days a week. Mr. Gerrity again advised the Board that it might be several more months before Arlington County responded to CVIII’s petition.

Parking Lot Meter: The Board noted that the window for the violation flag on the meter in CVIII’s parking lot was dirty and this made it difficult to see if time had expired on the meter. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to have Mr. Kiman try to clean this window.

Local Real Estate Development:

2001 Clarendon: Mr. McPherson told the Board that a meeting with Elm Street Development to discuss the demolition of Dr. Dremo’s and Taco Bell was scheduled for June 26th in the CVI meeting room. National Science Teachers Association Addition: Mr. Nicoll told the Board that he had written a letter to the Site Plan Review Committee stating that CVIII had no objections to a proposed change in the design of the east side of the addition the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) wanted to make to its building located at 1840 Wilson Blvd. Mr. Nicoll also said that he stated in this letter that CVIII had no objections to a proposed change in the size of the garage entrance located in NSTA’s existing building.

Landscaping Update: The landscaping committee presented to the Board a contract with McFall and Berry for renovations and improvements projects in 2008 totaling $17,361. This contract included replacing the White Pine trees on the south side of the parking lot with hollies and shrubbery enhancements for Buildings One, Two, Three and Four. After discussion, Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board approve this contract with McFall and Berry for renovations and improvements projects in 2008 totaling $17,361. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

New Business:

Trash Service Contract: Mr. McPherson provided the Board with a letter from Thompson Hauling asking that their three-year contract with CVIII effective November 2007 be amended to include a diesel fuel cost escalator clause. In this letter Thompson cited statistics showing a 46% increase in the price they paid for diesel fuel since September 2007. Thompson asked for a $120 increase in their monthly fee to cover this 46% increase in their fuel costs. Thompson asked that this $120 increase in their monthly fee be made retroactive to September 2007. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he was unsure if this $120 monthly increase applied only to CVIII or it should be prorated among CVI, CVII and CVIII. In discussion, Mr. McPherson and the Board agreed that Thompson had submitted and CVIII signed a contract in 2007 that did not clearly specify how and to what extent increases fuel costs and tipping fees would be passed on to CVIII. Mr. McPherson asked the Board for its consent to renegotiate Thompson’s contract. The Board considered but did not act on a suggestion to solicit proposals from other firms. After further discussion, the Board authorized Mr. McPherson to renegotiate Thompson’s contract.

Fire Extinguisher Service: After discussion, Ms. Concelman moved that the Board approve a $925.91 contract with Ace Fire Extinguisher Service, Inc. to inspect, service and recharge 38 fire extinguishers at various locations in CVIII. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Mr. McPherson convene in executive session for the purpose of discussing violations of CVIII’s By-Laws and delinquent assessments. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:19 P.M.

July 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The next Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 21 July 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Haley moved that this meeting be adjourned. Mr. Nicoll seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:43 P.M.

July 21, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


 Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 6:59 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Kevin Haley, Treasurer; and Dennis Gerrity, secretary, answered present. Daniel Streich, a lawyer with CVIII’s law firm, Chadwick Washington, association manager David McPherson and maintenance engineer Stan Kiman were also present at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be temporarily adjourned, and the Board, Mr. Streich and Mr. McPherson convene in executive session for the purpose of discussing a violation of CVIII’s By-Laws and delinquent assessments. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Nicoll moved that the Board return to open session. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:30 P.M.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Gerrity moved that the minutes of the 17 June 2008 Board meeting be approved with one change. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: No one was present to speak.

Correspondence from Owners: None.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

June Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the June income and expense statements, Mr. McPherson said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $14,998 as of the end of June 2008. The Board authorized CMI to reinvest the proceeds of an Acacia Federal CD maturing on August 15th and a Greater Atlantic CD maturing on August 28th in two and three-year CDs respectively with the highest yields currently available to CVIII.


Mr. Kiman said that there had been no unusual maintenance problems during the past month.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: Mr. McPherson told the Board that Thomas Downey had assigned a new project engineer, Steve Turner, to survey CVIII’s masonry for damage and prioritize repairs. Mr. McPherson told to the Board that Mr. Turner had provided him with a preliminary report stating that damage to mortar near windowsills and lintels, parapet coping, and spot damage to brickwork in parapets were the areas that needed immediate attention in order to prevent moisture from penetrating CVIII’s brick exterior walls. Mr. Turner also said that there were potential moisture problems where aluminum caps, which had been installed on replacement windows, had sealed ventilation spaces between brickwork and lintels. Mr. McPherson said that he expected to have a final set of recommendations from Mr. Turner for the Board’s review at its August meeting. The Board asked Mr. McPherson how much lead-time Culbertson would need before it could begin at work in CVIII once the Board approved their proposal based on Mr. Turner’s recommendations. Mr. McPherson said it would take Culbertson from two to three weeks to mobilize a crew and begin work in CVIII.

Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: The Board asked Mr. McPherson for an update on Verizon’s installation of fiber-optic cable and related equipment in CVIII. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he had spoken earlier in the day with a Mr. Tommy Ingalls of Verizon who told him that Verizon’s installation crews had proceeded as far as they could with exterior work in CVIII subject to a stop-work order issued in 2001 by Arlington County’s Historic Affairs and Landmark Review Board (HALRB). Members of the Board expressed incredulity with this explanation, saying that Verizon had not even announced plans for installing fiber optic cable directly to residences anywhere, or its FiOS package of services in 2001, let alone the actual installation of fiber optic cable in Colonial Village. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he recently met with a HALRB field inspector who told him that, based on work Verizon had done at the Colonial Village Commons, all Verizon had to do was install shrubbery to screen free-standing distribution boxes to get the HALRB’s approval of exterior installation work at CVIII. Mr. McPherson said that he had reviewed all of this information with Mr. Ingalls and, based on this conversation, he expected Verizon to have fiber optic service up and running in CVIII by September 1st. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he was still pursuing installation of fiber optic cable in one first floor unit and three second floor units at 1737 Queens Ln. and a second floor unit at 1829 Wilson Blvd.

Meter-Stack Cabinets: The Board asked Mr. McPherson for an update on Kolb’s installation of a replacement for the metal cabinet that houses the meter stack serving units located in 1805 N. Rhodes St. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Kolb was waiting for Dominion Power to give a date for when it would have a crew available to work at CVIII. Mr. McPherson explained that Dominion had to shut off power to the units and common areas in 1805 N. Rhodes St. before Kolb could begin work. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he expected this project to be finished before the end of August.

Zone 4 Residential Permit Parking: Mr. Gerrity informed the Board that Arlington County had approved CVIII’s petition asking for the expansion of Zone Four parking restrictions in the 1800 block of N. Rhodes St. to 8:00 A.M. through midnight, seven days a week. Mr. Gerrity said that new signs for these expanded restrictions had been installed and Arlington County would start enforcing them effective August 1st.

Landscaping Update: Mr. Gerrity and the Board reviewed a proposal from McFall and Berry to prune deadwood from large trees. After discussion, Mr. Nicoll moved that the Board approve a proposal from McFall and Berry to prune trees totaling $3,470. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Gerrity noted that CVIII’s lawns had begun to turn brown and go dormant because of inadequate rainfall. Mr. Gerrity suggested aggressive watering of the lawns to remedy this situation. The Board did not act on this suggestion.

Trash Service Contract: Mr. McPherson provided the Board with a letter from Thompson Hauling dated 1 July 2008 asking that the monthly fee specified in their three-year contract with CVIII be increased by $68.60 effective 1 August 2008. Thompson Hauling explained in this letter that there had been a 46% increase in the rice they paid for diesel fuel since September 2007. After discussion, Mr. Haley moved that CVIII agree to a $68.90 increase in the monthly fee it paid Thompson Hauling for trash service. Mr. Nicoll seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

New Business:

Delinquent Assessments: The Board authorized CVIII’s law firm, Chadwick, Washington, to seek judgments against the owners of several units for delinquent assessments, late fees, and legal expenses.

Violation of CVIII’s By-Laws: The Board authorized Mr. McPherson and CVIII’s law firm, Chadwick, Washington, to proceed with a remedy of a violation of CVIII’s Bylaws.

Parking Lot: Pavement: The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to obtain proposals to seal cracks with hot tar and then apply a slurry mix to the asphalt surface of the parking lot. Parking stalls would be restriped, and fire lane curbs would get a fresh coat of yellow paint. Motorcycle Parking: The Board noted that four motorcycles, none of which had a valid permit sticker to park in CVIII’s lot, were being parked in the two stalls allocated for motorcycles. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson and Mr. Kiman agreed to post warning notices on these motorcycles stating that motorcycles must be registered with the Key Blvd. property management office and they must have current CVIII stickers and Virginia license plates to use CVIII’s parking lot. These notices would further state that only one motorcycle could be parked in each of these two stalls and that motorcycles parking violation of CVIII’s Rules and Regulations governing the use of its parking lot would be towed at their owner’s risk and expense.

Bicycle Room 1821 N. Rhodes St.: After discussing alternative uses of the bicycle storage room located in the basement of 1821 N. Rhodes St., the Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to explore the possibility of selling this room as-is for conversion to a residential unit.

Consulting Engineer for Roofs: The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to obtain proposals from qualified consulting engineering firms to advise it on maximizing the service life of CVIII’s Sarnafil membrane roofs and the eventual replacement of these roofs.

Storage Rooms: The Board noted that residents were storing personal belongs in the aisles of the storage rooms and on top of storage cages in violation of the Arlington County Fire Code and CVIII’s By-Laws. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson and Mr. Kiman agreed to post warning notices giving residents two weeks to remove these items. Mr. Kiman would dispose of any of these items still in aisles or on top of cages two weeks after these notices had been posted. After discussion, the Board and Mr. McPherson and Mr. Kiman decided to follow a similar procedure in September to deal with bicycles that had been abandoned in common areas of CVIII.

August 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The next Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 11 August 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Haley moved that this meeting be adjourned. Mr. Nicoll seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:30 P.M.

August 11, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


 Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 6:55 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Kevin Haley, treasurer; and Dennis Gerrity, secretary, and Cheryl Concelman, member at large, answered present. Unit owners Amber Reid Barrett, Elizabeth Callender, Joseph C. Clark, Richard Donahue, June O’Connell, and Rob Vandermark were present at that time. Greg Edwards of CMI, association manager David McPherson, and maintenance engineer Stan Kiman were also present at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Gerrity moved that the minutes of the 21 July 2008 Board meeting be approved without change. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Election of a Board Member: After discussion, Mr. Nicoll moved that Joseph C. Clark, the owner of unit #155 at 1817 N. Rhodes St., be elected to fill the position on CVIII’s Board made vacant by the resignation of Michael McGregor. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Nicoll noted that Mr. Clark would serve on the Board until this year’s annual meeting when this position would be filled by election for a three-year term.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: Mr. Le Blanc briefly reviewed his plans for improvements he wished to make to his unit with Mr. McPherson and the Board. He said that he would provide Mr. McPherson and the Board with copies of necessary permits from Arlington County Inspection Services. Mr. Vandermark asked and Mr. Kiman agreed to repair damaged wooden trim for his garage door. Mr. Vandermark said that an electrician had informed him that the cabinet housing his electric meter and main circuit breaker was badly rusted and should be replaced. The Board said that it was in the process of having an independent engineer survey the cabinets housing meter banks in CVIII. Half of these had been done in 2008, and the other half, including the one serving Mr. Vandermark’s unit, would be surveyed in 2009. The Board said that decisions to replace these cabinets would be based on this engineer’s recommendations. Mr. Vandermark asked about a damaged portion of lawn in front of his building. The Board said it would be renovated this fall. Mr. Vandermark asked for an explanation of several recent water shutoffs for his building. Mr. Kiman said they were necessary for normal maintenance. Mr. Vandermark asked if CVIII had written assurance from Verizon that it would repair damage done to CVIII’s grounds and plants resulting from Verizon’s installation of underground conduits for fiber optic cable. The Board said the licensing agreement it signed allowing Verizon to install fiber optic cable, conduit, and related equipment in common areas contained language committed Verizon and its subcontractors to returning CVIII’s grounds to their original state if disturbed by this installation process. Mr. Vandermark asked why the Wilson Blvd. gate was not functioning correctly. Mr. Kiman said the exit switch had been damaged and a replacement had to be special-ordered. Ms. O’Connell pointed out that CVIII had several bike rooms, and she asked the Board to direct residents to store their bikes in these rooms rather than in the aisles of the regular storage rooms where they blocked other residents’ access to their storage cages and were fire code violations. Ms. O’Connell told the Board that pet owners were leaving bags of pet waste on CVIII’s grounds for others to pick up and deposit in trash rooms. She asked the Board to install signs asking residents to finish the job, so to speak. The Board said it would first try using CVIII’s newsletter to educate pet owners on this issue. If that did not work, then it would consider signs. Ms. O’Connell encouraged the Board to permit those who attended its meetings to participate in discussion of issues on the agenda of the open session portion of meetings. The Board told Ms. O’Connell that its current policy was to allow such participation in the open sessions of Board meetings.

Property Manager’s Resignation: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that he had resigned effective August 31st to take another job. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he enjoyed working at CVIII. Mr. McPherson said he hoped that owners and residents find CVIII a better place to live upon his departure than prior to his arrival. The Board assured him that would be the case and thanked him on behalf of the whole community for his time and effort and the good-natured way he dealt with CVIII’s problems. The Board wished Mr. McPherson well with his new job. CMI has informed the Board that it expects to have a replacement for Mr. McPherson no later than mid-September. Greg Edwards, supervisor for CMI’S Virginia properties, will serve as interim property manager for Colonial Village until then.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board reviewed a letter from a resident who noted that two parking spaces on Rhodes St. just north of the entrance to CVIII’s parking lot had recently been designated for vehicles with handicapped tags, but they were not being used. After discussion, the Board decided to monitor the use of these two spaces, and if they continued not to be used, then Arlington County would be asked to remove their handicap designation. The Board discussed a letter from a nonresident who alleged that his automobile had been damaged by limbs that had fallen from a CVIII tree and asked CVIII to pay for repairing this damage. The Board took no action on this request.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report: July Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the July income and expense statements, Mr. McPherson said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $20,814 as of the end of July 2008.

Maintenance: Mr. Kiman said that there had been no unusual maintenance problems during the past month.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: Mr. McPherson said that Thomas Downey and the Culbertson Company of Virginia were aware that the Board wanted to proceed with masonry renovations this fall and he expected them to have a proposal for work totaling approximately $80,000 ready for consideration at the Board’s September 22nd meeting. Mr. McPherson said it would take Culbertson two to three weeks to mobilize a crew at CVIII once a contract had been approved.

Update on Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: Mr. McPherson told the Board that all questions related to a stop-work order on Verizon working in common areas of CVIII issued in 2001 by Arlington County’s Historic Affairs and Landmark Review Board (HALRB) had been resolved, and he knew of no reason why Verizon could not proceed with exterior installation work. Mr. McPherson said that he continued to work with Verizon on the installation of fiber optic cable in one first floor unit and three second floor units at 1737 Queens Ln. and a second floor unit at 1829 Wilson Blvd. Mr. McPherson said he expected Verizon’s FiOS package of services would be available to CVIII residents within two months.

Meter-Stack Cabinets: The Board asked Mr. McPherson for an update on Kolb’s installation of a replacement for the metal cabinet that houses the meter stack serving units located in 1805 N. Rhodes St. Mr. McPherson told the Board that Kolb was waiting for Dominion Power to give a date for when it would have a crew available to work at CVIII. Mr. McPherson explained that Dominion had to shut off power to the units and common areas in 1805 N. Rhodes St. before Kolb could begin work. Mr. McPherson told the Board that he expected this project to be finished before the end of August.

Landscaping: The Board reviewed a proposed lawn service contract for 2009 and 2010 from McFall and Berry. The Board put off voting on this contract because the snow removal contract, which usually accompanied it, was missing. Mr. McPherson said that he would ask McFall and Berry for the snow removal contract so that the Board could vote on both at its September meeting. After discussion, Mr. Nicoll moved that the Board approve a proposal from McFall and Berry to remove seven White Pine trees and grind out their stumps and three additional stumps, all of which were located on the south side of CVIII’s parking lot, for $2,920. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Parking Lot: Mr. McPherson told the Board that he and Mr. Kiman were in the process of obtaining proposals from three firms to seal cracks with hot tar and then apply a slurry mix to the asphalt surface of the parking lot. Restriping parking stalls and applying a fresh coat of yellow paint to fire lane curbs were included in this RFP. Mr. McPherson said that these proposals would be available for the Board’s consideration at its September meeting.

Storage Rooms: Mr. Kiman told the Board that notices had been distributed to residents warning that leaving personal belongings in the aisles of the storage rooms and on top of storage cages was in violation of the Arlington County Fire Code and CVIII’s By-Laws and such items would be disposed of by the end of August or sooner. The Board authorized Mr. McPherson and Mr. Kiman to follow a similar procedure in September to deal with bicycles that had been abandoned in common areas of CVIII.

New Business: Locking Building Entry Doors: Ms. Reid, Ms. Concelman and Mr. Donahue, expressing concerns about possible criminal activity, asked the Board to make the locks on building entry doors operational. Other residents attending this meeting cited the low crime rate in Colonial Village’s neighborhood and argued that locking building entry doors might make residents worse off because first responders, police fire and rescue, would be impeded during emergencies. They further argued that locking entry doors would inconvenience visitors and would make it more difficult for tradesmen and deliverymen to do their jobs. Questions were also raised about how much good making these locks operational would do given how often residents propped open entry doors to basements, and laundry rooms and storage rooms. The Board said that previous Boards had agreed to allow the entry doors of individual buildings to be locked if all owners of units in a given building agreed to lock its entry door. The Board asked Ms. Reid, Ms. Concelman and Mr. Donahue to discuss this matter with the other owners of units in their respective buildings and get back to the Board at its September meeting.

CVIII’s 2009 Budget: Mr. McPherson reviewed the first draft CVIII’s 2009 operating and reserve budgets. He said that a 3.2% increase in assessments was necessary to cover a 25% increase in utility costs –– water and sewer, electrify, and natural gas. The Board asked and Mr. McPherson agreed to reallocate 2009 reserve contributions to cover the increased cost of replacing roofs and hot water heaters. 

Violation of CVIII’s By-Laws: After discussion in executive session, Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board authorize CVIII’s law firm, Chadwick, Washington, to take those legal measures it deems necessary to enforce CVIII’s By-Laws with respect to a unit owner’s failure to keep his unit in good repair. Mr. Nicoll seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Mr. McPherson convene in executive session for the purpose of discussing a violation of CVIII’s By-Laws and delinquent assessments. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:20 P.M.

September 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The September Board meeting will take place at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 22 September 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

2009 Annual Meeting: CVIII’s 2009 Annual Meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 20 October 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

October 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The October Board meeting will take place immediately following CVIII’s 2009 Annual Meeting on Monday, 20 October 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Nicoll moved that this meeting be adjourned. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:32 P.M.

September 22, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


 Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 6:57 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Eric Nicoll, president; Kevin Haley, Treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Joseph Clark, member at large, answered present. Greg Edwards of CMI, interim association manager Paula Covington, and maintenance engineer Stan Kiman were also present at that time. Cheryl Concelman, member at large, arrived shortly after the start of the meeting

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 14 August 2008 Board meeting be approved without change. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: No one was present to speak.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board received no correspondence from owners since its August meeting.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

August Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the August income and expense statements, Ms. Covington said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $20,940 as of the end of August 2008. After discussion, the Board noted that CVIII had approximately $450,000 in CDs and T-Bills maturing during the final three months of 2008. The Board asked and Mr. Haley agreed work with CMI to have the latter reinvest this money in government insured or government issued securities maturing between 2009 and 2012.


Mr. Kiman said that there had been no unusual maintenance problems during the past month.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: The Board reviewed Thomas Downey, Ltd.’s evaluation of a proposal from the Culbertson Company of Virginia for masonry renovations to be done at Building Four this fall. This evaluation recommended the CVIII approve an amended version of Culbertson’s proposal. This amended version totaled $84,960. After further discussion, Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board approve a contract with the Culbertson Company of Virginia for masonry renovations to be performed at Building Four totaling $84,960. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously, Ms. Concelman not yet present. The Board reviewed a proposal from Thomas Downey, Ltd. for contract administration and quality assurance observation services. Mr. Haley moved that the Board approve a contract with Thomas Downey, Ltd. of Virginia with a $10,000 budget for contract administration and quality assurance observation services with respect to masonry renovations to be performed at Building Four by Culbertson. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously, Ms. Concelman not yet present.

Update on Verizon Fiber-Optic Cable: The Board, Ms. Covington and Mr. Kiman reviewed Verizon’s installation of fiber optic cable and related equipment in common areas of CVIII and came to the conclusion that completion of this project was imminent and Verizon’s FiOS package of services would be available to CVIII residents within two months. The Board asked and Ms. Covington agreed to make clear to unit owners who had not allowed Verizon to wire their units but now changed their minds that they must make their own arrangements with Verizon.

Meter-Stack Cabinets: The Board asked Mr. Kiman for an update on Kolb’s installation of a replacement for the metal cabinet that houses the meter stack serving units located in 1805 N. Rhodes St. Mr. Kiman told the Board that Dominion Power was going to charge $3,121 to shut off electrical power for this meter stack. The Board asked but Mr. Kiman was unable to say how many units would be affected or why Dominion was charging so much for this power shut-off. After further discussion, the Board asked and Mr. Kiman agreed to find out how units would be affected by this power shut-off so the Board could decide whether to proceed with this project at this time.

Landscaping: Lawn Service and Snow Removal Contracts: Lawn Service: The Board reviewed a proposed contract with McFall and Berry to provide CVIII with lawn service in 2009 and 2010 for a fee of $24,647.10 per year with a 3% increase allowed in 2010. This contract contained a provision that allowed McFall and Berry to increase its monthly bill by 1% if the price of gasoline goes to $3.50 and up to $4.00 per gallon and an additional 1% if the price of gasoline rises to $4.00 and up to $4.50 per gallon. Snow Removal: The Board and Mr. McPherson reviewed a proposed with McFall and Berry to provide CVIII with snow removal service from 1 November 2008 through 30 April 2010. This contract for snow removal contained the following fees: $120 an hour for plowing using a four-wheel drive pickup; $120 an hour plus material for a sand/icemelt truck; $52 an hour per man for shoveling; $58 an hour for snow throwers; $23.50 per fifty-pound bag of ice melt. All hourly charges are subject to a two-hour minimum. This proposed contract contained an addendum with the following restrictions on the number of men McFall and Berry could send to CVIII to shovel snow: for snowfalls three inches or less CVIII will not require any men to shovel snow; for snow falls between three and six inches CVIII will normally require two men to shovel snow and three men in unusual circumstances; for snow falls above six inches CVIII will normally require three men to shovel snow and four men in unusual circumstances. This addendum also contained language committing McFall and Berry to providing work tickets showing the number of men and the hours they worked and the types of equipment employed and the hours they were used in clearing CVIII’s stoops, steps, walks and parking lot of snow and ice. Ms. Concelman moved that the Board accept (i) McFall and Berry’s proposed contract to provide lawn service for 2009 and 2010 and (ii) McFall and Berry’s proposed contract to provide snow removal service for the period beginning 1 November 2008 through 30 April 2010 with the addendum detailed above. Mr. Clark seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

CVIII’s 2009 Budget: The Board and Ms. Covington reviewed the second draft CVIII’s 2009 operating and reserve budgets. The Board noted that a 3.17% increase in assessments would be necessary to cover a 25% increase in utility costs –– water and sewer, electrify, and natural gas. Contributions to individual reserve accounts were adjusted to cover the increased cost of replacing roofs and hot water heaters. The Board discussed having a consultant review CVIII’s reserve accounts in 2009.

Parking Lot: The Board, Ms. Covington and Mr. Kiman reviewed three proposals to seal cracks with hot tar and then apply a slurry mix to the asphalt surface of the parking lot. Restriping parking stalls and applying a fresh coat of yellow paint to fire lane curbs were included in these proposals. These proposals were: Academy Sealers, $3,980; Dominion Paving & Sealing, $6,275; and Paveco, $8,600. Mr. Nicoll moved that the Board approve a contract for this project with Paveco for $8,600. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously. Mr. Kiman said that Paveco would take two days to complete this project and CVIII’s parking lot would have be empty and closed to all traffic during these two days. Mr. Kiman said that he expected Paveco to begin work on or about October 15th. The Board asked and Mr. Kiman agreed to deliver notices door-to-door to residents informing them that they could not use CVIII’s parking lot during this two day period at least two weeks before Paveco began work. Mr. Kiman said he would post follow-up notices on hallway bulletin Boards and on the windshield of cars parked in CVIII’s lot.

Storage Rooms: Mr. Kiman told the Board that notices had been distributed to residents warning that bicycles without tags identifying their owners in storage rooms would be given to a local charity at the end of the month. Mr. Kiman said that envelopes containing tags that could be used to identify owners had been taped to the insides of storage room entry doors.

New Business:

Seating of the Board’s Vice President: After discussion, Mt. Gerrity moved that the Board elect Ms. Concelman as its vice president. Mr. Clark seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Property Management Contract: Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board approve a contract with Cummings and Associates to (i) prepare a RFP to manage CVIII, (ii) solicit proposals from three property management firms and CVIII’s current property management firm, CMI, and (iii) assist CVIII in evaluating these proposals. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Maintenance Engineer’s Annual Review: The Board informed Mr. Kiman that he had provided CVIII with commendable service as maintenance engineer during the past year. The Board, speaking for all of CVIII’s owners and residents, thanked him for this service and expressed the desire that his good working relationship with the community continue in the future. Mr. Nicoll moved that the Board approve a 5% increase in Mr. Kiman’s hourly wage rate. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Mr. Kiman convene in executive session for the purposes of conducting Mr. Kiman’s annual review; discussing the status of Mr. Kiman’s accumulated sick leave; reviewing delinquent assessments; discussing a violation of CVIII’s By-Laws; and discussing a contract with a consulting firm to solicit proposals on a new property management contract. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:32 P.M. The Board returned to open session at 7:46 P.M.

October 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The October Board meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, 20 October 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd immediately following CVIII’s 2008 annual meeting.

Adjournment: Mr. Nicoll moved that this meeting be adjourned. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:01 P.M.

 October 20, 2008 CVIII Annual Meeting Minutes


 Call to order: With a quorum of unit owners voting by proxy and in person of 30.353%, the meeting was called to order at 6:48 P.M. Present at that time were Eric Nicoll, president; Cheryl Concelman, vice president; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Charlie Clark, member at large. Greg Edwards and Pete Mechak of CMI were also present at that time.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Mechak convene in executive session for the purposes of discussing CMI’s management of CVIII. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 6:48 p.m. Mr. Gerrity moved that the executive session be adjourned and the Board return to open session. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:05 p.m. Unit owners Greg Bain, Lauren Bruce, Michael Brooks, Amanda Hunt, Linda Johnson, Peyton Palmore and Larry Poe; association manager Paula Covington; and maintenance engineer Stan Kiman joined the meeting at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 17 October 2007 Annual Meeting be approved without change. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and all approved it except unit owners Greg Bain, Lauren Bruce, Linda Johnson, and Larry Poe, who abstained because they did not attend that meeting.

Unit Owners Forum: Ms. Hunt asked if alternative nighttime parking was available during the two days CVIII’s parking lot was recently closed for maintenance, and if so, why had mention of it not been included in notices advertising this closure. The Board said alternative parking was available at various locations outside of Colonial Village on Rhodes St, Key Blvd. and Veitch St. The Board apologized for not including mention of off-site parking locations in notices of the closure of CVIII’s lot. Mr. Brooks asked for the name of the company that supplied laundry machines to CVIII and how much income CVIII received from these machines. The Board said the company’s name was HOF and CVIII received about $8,000 annually from the money residents paid to use these machines. Mr. Brooks said that a machine in the laundry room located in 1729 Queens Ln. had been broken for some time. Ms. Covington said she would ask HOF to repair this machine. Mr. Brooks said residents were blocking aisles in a storage room at 1728 Queens Ln. with personal possessions. Mr. Kiman said he would remove these items. Ms. Bruce and Mr. Bain introduced themselves as closing on the purchase of a unit in CVIII. The Board welcomed them to the community. Mr. Poe asked about the condition of the Wilson Blvd. and north gates. The Board said there continued to be occasional problems with vandalism and equipment malfunction. Mr. Poe noted that the two picnic tables at the bottom of the hill in front of 1821 N. Rhodes St. were in poor repair. He suggested that they be replaced and other improvements be made to this area. The Board agreed to consider Mr. Poe’s suggestion in more detail at a future meeting. Ms. Johnson suggested that the property management office at 1903 Key Blvd. have extended hours one day a week as a convenience to residents with busy schedules. She suggested that it either open early at 7:00 A.M. or close late at 7:00 P.M. The Board agreed to explore extended hours for the office with the other three Colonial Village communities. Mr. Palmore said he felt CVIII was in excellent shape. He thanked members of the Board for their time and effort during the past year. Several owners asked about the status of Verizon’s installation of fiber-optic cable. Mr. Kiman said the Verizon was finished wiring CVIII, but neither he nor members of the Board could say if Verizon had begun offering its FiOS package of services to residents of CVIII.

Reports of Officers:

Property Management Firm: Mr. Nicoll informed those attending the meeting that CVIII had joined CVI, CVII and the Commons in hiring a consulting firm, Cummings and Associates, to solicit proposals to manage the four communities. Cummings and Associates would survey the physical condition of each of the four communities; it would review their governing documents and various contracts; it would discuss with Board members their concerns about the management of their respective communities; and then it would prepare and submit requests for proposals from four property management companies, including the current firm, CMI. Mr. Nicoll said this was the first time in CVIII’s twenty year history that bids would be solicited on its property management contract. Mr. Nicoll said that the Board expected this search process, regardless of whether or not there was a change in management, to result in cost effective improvements in the operation of CVIII.

Property Manager: Mr. Nicoll said that CMI was still searching for a permanent replacement for David McPherson as property manager for the four Colonial Village properties. He said the Board was pleased with performance of Ms. Covington as interim manager.

Management Report: None.

Committee Reports: None:

Election of Members of the Board of Directors: Mr. Nicoll explained the requirements of the CVIII By-Laws with respect to the election of members of the Board of directors. Mr. Nicoll said that there was one vacancy for a three-year term this year. Inspectors of Election: Unit owners Michael Brooks and Amanda Hunt were appointed inspectors of the election of members of CVIII’s Board of directors. Candidates for Election to Board of Directors: The name of Joseph C. Clark appeared as a candidate on the proxy statements distributed prior to this meeting. Mr. Nicoll asked if anyone else present was interested in standing for election to the Board, and if so, to please step forward. No one did. Mr. Clark then briefly introduced himself to the rest of the meeting’s attendees. Election Results: The common element interest voted by proxy and in person for Mr. Clark at this meeting totaled 29.9%. Therefore, Mr. Clark was elected to a three-year term as a member of CVIII’s Board of directors.

Seating of Officers: Mr. Nicoll noted that Mr. Haley had not been able to attend this meeting, and moved the seating of officers of CVIII’s Board of Directors on an acting basis until all members were present as follows: Eric Nicoll, president; Cheryl Concelman, vice president; Kevin Haley, treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Joseph Clark, member-at-large. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

2009 Budget: Mr. Nicoll reviewed CVIII’s proposed 2009 budget. He pointed out those line items for which costs were expected to increase in 2009 and briefly explained why. He said that a 3.17% in annual assessments was necessary to balance this budget. Mr. Nicoll said that CVIII’s Board would vote on this budget at its regular October meeting immediately following this meeting.

2009 Annual Meeting: The date, time and location of CVIII’s 2009 Annual Meeting will be announced in September 2009.

October 20, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


 Call to order: Mr. Nicoll brought the meeting to order at 7:43 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. . Present at that time were Eric Nicoll, president; Cheryl Concelman, vice president; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and, Charlie Clark, member at large. Unit owners Greg Bain, Lauren Bruce, Michael Brooks, Amanda Hunt, Linda Johnson, Peyton Palmore and Larry Poe were present at that time. Greg Edwards of CMI, association manager Paula Covington and maintenance engineer Stan Kiman were also present at that time.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Nicoll moved that the minutes of the 22 September 2008 Board meeting be approved without change. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: No one was present to speak.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board received no correspondence from owners since its September meeting.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

September Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the September income and expense statements, Ms. Covington said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $31,008 as of the end of September 2008.


Mr. Kiman said that there had been no unusual maintenance problems during the past month.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: Mr. Nicoll and Ms. Covington informed the Board that contracts had been signed and returned to Thomas Downey, Ltd. for contract administration and quality assurance observation services and the Culbertson Company of Virginia for masonry renovations at Building Four. Mr. Kiman informed the Board that Culbertson would begin work on Wednesday, October 20th and that it would take Culbertson approximately ten weeks to complete this project. Ms. Covington and Mr. Kiman agreed to deliver notices of this work to residents of Buildings Two, Three and Four.

Meter-Stack Cabinets: Mr. Kiman told the Board that Kolb Electric had completed the installation of a replacement for the metal cabinet that houses the meter stack serving units located in 1805 N. Rhodes St. Mr. Kiman told the Board that it was necessary to shut of electric power to only the four units in 1805 N. Rhodes St.

CVIII’s 2009 Budget: Mr. Nicoll moved that the Board approve a $589,856 operating and reserve budget containing a 3.17% increase in total assessments for CVIII for 2009. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Parking Lot: Mr. Kiman informed the Board that Paveco completed its contract to seal cracks with hot tar and apply a slurry mix to the asphalt surface of the parking lot. Mr. Kiman said that parking stalls had been restriped, but Paveco’s contract did not include applying a coat of yellow paint to fire lane curbs. He suggested having Advanced Towing do this at a future date. Mr. Palmore and others said Paveco had not done a thorough job sealing cracks with tar. Mr. Kiman and Ms. Covington agreed to have this work done next spring.

Storage Rooms: Mr. Kiman told the Board that notices had been distributed to residents warning that bicycles without tags identifying their owners in storage rooms would be given to a local charity at the end of the month and envelopes containing tags that could be used to identify owners had been taped to the insides of storage room entry doors. Mr. Kiman said approximately twenty bikes were not tagged, and he would arrange to have them picked up by this charity in early November.

New Business:

Volunteer Recognition Gift: After discussion, Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board authorize a $250 gift certificate to Paul Bosworth, a resident of 1800 Queens Ln., in recognition of his many hours of volunteer work on numerous landscaping projects. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Executive Session: Mr. Nicoll moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Ms. Covington convene in executive session for the purposes of reviewing delinquent assessments and discussing a violation of CVIII’s By-Laws. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:55 P.M.

November 2008 Board of Directors Meeting: The November Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 17 November 2008, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Nicoll moved that this meeting be adjourned. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 8:01 P.M.

November 17, 2008 CVIII Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


 Call to order: Mr. Haley brought the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M., and called the roll of Colonial Village III’s Board of Directors. Present at that time were Kevin Haley, treasurer; Dennis Gerrity, secretary; and Charlie Clark, member at large. Association manager Paula Covington, and maintenance engineer Stan Kiman were also present at that time. Unit owner Larry Poe; Cheryl Concelman, vice president; Eric Nicoll, president, arrived after the start of the meeting.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: All unit owners in attendance acknowledged the timely receipt of notice of this meeting.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Mr. Haley moved that the minutes of the 20 October 2008 Board meeting be approved without change. Mr. Clark seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously, Ms. Concelman and Mr. Nicoll not present.

Open Forum for CVIII Owners: Mr. Poe reminded the Board that the two picnic tables at the bottom of the hill in front of 1821 N. Rhodes St. were in poor repair. He suggested that they be replaced and other improvements be made to this area. The Board agreed to consider Mr. Poe’s suggestion in more detail at a future meeting.

Correspondence from Owners: The Board received no correspondence from owners since its October meeting.

Priorities for 2009: The Board briefly reviewed its priorities for CVIII in 2009. These included negotiating a new property management contract with CMI or some other firm; updating CVIII’s Reserve Accounts Study; hiring an independent roofing engineer to advise the Board on maintaining and replacing CVIII’s roofs; moving to the next phase of mortar renovations; painting exterior woodwork; addressing public safety issues; and improving CVIII’s landscaping.

Reports of Officers: See pending and new business.

Committee Reports: See pending and new business.

Management Report:

October Financial Update: After making allowances for errors and omissions in the October income and expense statements, Ms. Covington said CVIII had a year-to-date operating surplus of $4,512 as of the end of October 2008. The Board noted that $7,311.20 in bills for replacing the meter-stack cabinet serving 1805 N. Rhodes St. had been incorrectly charged to an operating account and this expense should be charged to reserve account #30165 –– “Electrical Service Systems”. The Board also noted that $8,600 in expense for seal-coating the surface of the parking lot should be charged to account #30030 –– “Asphalt Reserves” –– not account #30940 –– “Streets and Sidewalks” Ms. Covington agreed to have these changes made.


Mr. Kiman said that there had been no unusual maintenance problems during the past month. The Board asked and Mr. Kiman agreed to remove a mattress and box spring that a thoughtless resident had disposed of in the woods just north of the bike path.

Pending Business:

Masonry Renovations: Mr. Kiman informed the Board that Culbertson was well along with the second phase of masonry renovations at Building Four and he expected that this projected would be finished in early January 2009.

Verizon Fiber Optic Cable: Mr. Kiman informed the Board that Verizon had completed installation of fiber-optic cable and related equipment in CVIII except for relocating equipment serving 1720 Queens Ln. and installing wiring for one unit at 1829 Wilson Blvd. Ms. Covington told the Board Verizon had requested permission to canvas CVIII door-to-door for two hours on Saturday, 22 November 2008, for residents interested in subscribing to its FiOS services. After discussion, Mr. Gerrity moved that the Board give Verizon permission to solicit FiOS customers for two hours on Saturday, 22 November 2008. Mr. Haley seconded this motion, and it was approved with Messrs. Clark, Gerrity and Haley voting aye and Ms. Concelman abstaining, Mr. Nicoll not present.

Trash Service: The Board noted that the price of gasoline had declined significantly but Thompson Hauling had not reduced or discontinued the surcharge it was billing CVIII because of the high cost of fuel for its trucks. The Board asked and Ms. Covington agreed to ask Thompson Hauling to reduce or eliminate this fee.

Landscaping Update: Mr. Gerrity informed the Board that McFall & Berry had completed installation of enhancements scheduled for fall 2008 with the exception of three dogwoods, which would be planted in early December. Mr. Gerrity said that the Landscaping Committee would review its proposals for 2009 with the Board at its January meeting.

Executive Session: Mr. Haley moved that the open session of this meeting be adjourned, and the Board and Ms. Covington convene in executive session for the purposes of reviewing delinquent assessments and discussing a violation of CVIII’s By-Laws. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:20 P.M., Mr. Nicoll not present. The Board reconvened in open session at 7:43 P.M.

New Business:

Holiday Bonuses: After discussion, Mr. Nicoll moved that CVIII give the following holiday bonuses: Paula Covington, $1,000; Stan Kiman, $1000; Leon Guevara, $750; and Sonya Rainey, $500. Mr. Gerrity seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously, Mr. Cook and Mr. Haley not present.

Colonial Village 2008 Holiday Party:

After discussion, Mr. Nicoll moved that CVIII contribute $250 to help defray the expense of the Colonial Village Holiday Party to be held on 12 December 2008. Ms Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously, Mr. Cook and Mr. Haley not present.

January 2009 Board of Directors Meeting: The November Board meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 19 January 2009, in the conference room in the CMI office at 1903 Key Blvd.

Adjournment: Mr. Nicoll moved that this meeting be adjourned. Ms. Concelman seconded this motion, and it was approved unanimously at 7:47 P. M., Mr. Clark and Mr. Haley not present.


1903 Key Boulevard | Arlington, VA | 703.525.5557